Saturday, 27 June 2009

haha~happy again lol....

i go take the driving test again~
tat is the second bad
haha but the 2nd time i finally past wakaka!!!
tat day so funny and excited !
after i come out from 3 penjuru...
i wan so happy~
yes!!! i pass edi lor~
wahaha....laugh until i go sign~
the JPJ saw me laugh n laugh=.=
he ask me kali berapa saya ambil?
i said...2nd lol~wahaha
so funny~
my friend with me also said me keep laughing~
once more~~~hehe
my mummy promise if i pass~
she let me change phone wahaha~~~
i wan new car...lovely myvi ~~~
but the mr kwan duwan buy 4 me~haiz...
kek sim~if is his son,he sure buy wan~~~
nvm...i got new phone hahaha

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