Work as Teacher for eight month+3weeks(during college's break)
I hope nobody realise I go TarCollege...Enrolled and went for 3days orientation ,then I crying and wanted my mum and two old bring me back...I miss my home...
Happy....Finally...Inti College Subang Campus was my choice! I am series....
I no need to leave my house...
I already start my college life since 4 months ago...
It was so amazing...but I need to say that ASSIGNMENT was so many!
And the presentation was so “HORROR”,
It make me so nervous and scared...It was a big challege to me i think!
Luckily my coursemate are not bad^^
They are so funny...XD
Can remember that the first day I attend to class,
I get shock because they were no female in that class TT
That only one is ME...
Wao? Isn't girls will loose guys?
Oops! Not really!!! hahaha...
I am so lucky because I meet a good lecturer in Sem1!!! He always try to help us..
Mr.Don't sat I never tell you~~~haha...His classes will always not boring but interesting!!!^^
I found that more of them are 18years old and I 19years old==TOO OLD...
haha...but after the Lab tutorial presentation, I found that there are also 19, 20,21...^^
The conclusion is...I am not the eldest^^hahaha
After a few weeks....FINAL EXAM!!
Ouch...actually I felt happy because long time didn't exam already...
I start study....FIGHTING!!! Keep tell myself,I should not make me dissappointed!
Unfortunately, I am not satisfied with the results , too BAD!!!
3subjects for the Semester_1
They are Principles of IT, Moral Education, Malaysian Study.
I only get B in the most important subject among them TT
A for the Malaysian Studies ^^So suprise! The first time I didn't fail but get A in "Sejarah"
C for the Moral Education == So difficult...but THANKS the lecturer pass me this subject!!!

Went to EC Council Workshop^^
Start attending to the class after the SEM 1 break...
The second semester subject was more abit tough!
CSC1122-Introduction to Internet Technology(yeAH!!! Mr.Andrew being our lecturer again)
CSC1101-Formulation of Program Logic(She was so boring==)
MAT1102-Fundamental of Mathematic(She always rush the hour,explain too fast==)
MGT2131-Foundation of Business Management(okok ^^haha...Ms.Cassie)
Totally 4 subjects man! TT
I believe that the big challenge are waiting for me...
I must pass all these subject!!!
To earn more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I will study hard!!!